Daily Chores

1. Homework is to be done when first asked and with no argument. Homework books are to be in
front of YOU, not your parents. No eating when doing homework. No arguments with homework.

2. You must brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime without argument. You must
brush your teeth a minimum of 45 seconds.


3. Take all medicine when first asked without argument and with no hesitation.

4. You will respond to things asked of you immediately. There will be no negotiating time to do
something asked of you. If you do not comply, then counting will be done. If we reach “3”, then
you will be immediately banned from computer/TV for one night. If you do not comply with the
second attempt, you will go with out computer and TV for 2 nights, etc., etc.

5. Bedtime is 10:00 o’clock on weekdays and 11:00 for the weekend.

6. You must read each and every night. A certain amount of work will be assigned and you are to
finish this homework before any fun time is allowed. TV and computer will go off at 7:30
o’clock and will not go on until you have completed all of your assignment. You will do this
without argument. Maximum amount of TV per day IS ONE HOUR!!!!!

7. Friday night dinner is special; we all eat together with the TV off.

8. You will use every effort to say “Yes, Mom” instead of arguing. This is one of the most
important rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9. TV and computer is off if we say it’s off no hassles.

10. You will eat meals with the family. You will eat the types of food given to you. If you do not
finish your meal and if you feel hungry later on, you must finish the dinner we prepared first.
TV will not be on during meal times. You must sit to eat – No standing. You will eat over the
table. No colas during dinnertime, only milk or beverage that your parents approve will
be allowed to take. You will sit with the family until everyone is through with their meal.

11. Use “please” and “thank you” when asking for something — we are not your servants. If “please
and thank you” are not used, then you will NOT get what you want.

12. If we say to do something (go to school, get dressed, and let us leave), you will do this without
argument and do it immediately.

13. If you are found downloading any pornographic material, TV and computer will be taken away for
one month.

14. If you are found calling long distance or if you are found using the phone for internet
conversations with people that you have met on the computer, then phone and TV privileges will
be taken away for one month.

15. If you use the excuse that “I’m tired” in a way that interferes with your homework, you will go
to sleep 30 minutes early and will forgo any extracurricular activities for 2 days.

You will automatically get a maximum of 5 points per day to work towards his reward. If you do not
cooperate, then points will be deducted from the 5 points. If you cooperate, it will take less time to
get a reward. If you do not cooperate and points are taken away, it will take longer. YOU will
determine how long it takes to get your rewards — YOU ARE IN CONTROL
It is possible that you can lose more points each day than you gain.

For every 75 points, you will win a CD that does not have a parental advisory.


If all the above are done, you will get one bonus point per day! ALL of the above, without exception, need to be done to get the bonus point.


1 point will be lost for the following:
Not doing any of the daily chores above
Giving a hassle or argument about the daily chores

2 points will be deducted for the following:
Asking you more than two times to do any
of the above (hitting “3” on counting)

3 points will be deducted for the following:
Arguing with your parents on how
we deduct points. WE deduct points -we are the umpires of this “game” and we will not be told how to penalize you. What we say, goes!

10 points will be deducted for the following:
Stealing money, downloading porn, computer non-compliance, phone use with Internet contacts.
In addition, you will lose TV privileges for 30 days.
Any cursing will automatically be penalized with 10 points off and lose of TV time for 1 week.

Printable PDF Version: https://www.doc4kids.com/pdf/House-Rules-For-Positive-Behavioral-Changes.pdf